In the unfortunate circumstances that you wish to close your account, please follow the procedure outlined below. If there is something our company can do to change your mind and retain your business, please let us know as we value your business.
Please be sure absolutely sure that you wish to cancel your account as this will involve all your account files, databases, settings, emails, and everything else being completely removed from the server when your paid term is complete. If your account contains hosting services and domain registrations, and all hosting is to be cancelled, please make arrangements to transfer the domains you wish to retain to your new provider.
- Login to the Customer Portal.
- Under the "My Services & Domains" menu click on the "Products & Services" option.
- You will now see a list of products/services you have with us, locate the products/service you wish to cancel in the list and click on the "Manage" button.
- The next screen shows all the details for the product/service you selected above, scroll down this screen to the "Management Tools" at the bottom and click on the "Request Cancellation" button.
- You will now see the cancellation request screen. Select the type of cancellation you require, either "Immediate" (default) or "End of Billing Period".
- Next to help us improve our service please provide your comments or a brief reason for cancelling into the space provided.
- Once you are happy with your request submit this to us, you will receive an email confirming receipt of the cancellation request.
Don't worry if you've forgotton the password for the Customer Portal, you can use the Request a Password Reset link on the login screen to reset it.
In accordance with our terms of service we ask that a minimum of five (5) days notice is given for web hosting/reseller hosting/VPS cancellations and 30 days notice for dedicated servers. Please note that we require your balance to be clear before cancellation can be processed. If you currently have an annual invoice due this will be replaced with an invoice for our minimum term of one month. When your balance is clear your cancellation will be processed and service set to expire at the end of its paid term.
Please contact our Billing/Accounts department before proceeding with a cancellation should you have any questions, comments or concerns.